Gabrielle Union Walks Back Viral 50/50 Relationship Comment

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Gabrielle Union is walking back her viral comment about going 50/50 in her relationship with her husband, Dwyane Wade.

During a recent appearance on the "Balanced Black Girl" podcast, Union admitted that her perspective shifted after she infamously revealed in 2023 that she and Wade split everything evenly in their household.

“I famously said, ’50/50 or bust,’ right? And I meant that financially, spiritually, and emotionally,” Union said on the podcast. “There’s just a lot of days that I have 10% and I need him to be 90%. There’s days that I don’t have sh*t and I need him to be 100%. It’s a trauma response, and 50/50 is, ‘I’m not going to be vulnerable enough to trust you with 100% of anything. Not my heart, not my cash.’”

The actress shared that she began to feel "anxiety" over the idea of the 50/50 split.

“When I started to really address that, I was like, ‘Do you want to pay the whole mortgage?’ I thought I was about to die. I had such anxiety. I was crying. I was shaking. And he was like, ‘You insisted on that.’ He’s like, ‘I thought it made you feel better.’ I’m like, ‘It did, and right now I want to take it back,’” Union explained.

Union admitted that she needed to relinquish control and embrace being vulnerable with her husband.

“It’s being vulnerable enough to be open enough to know that I’m okay. I’m okay as his wife. He’s okay as my husband. I’m okay in this family. I’m okay in this home. I deserve it. And so, I’m trying to expand my heart, expand all of the notions of what vulnerability can look like," she said.

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