Black Student Called 'N-Word Many Times' At Kentucky Middle School

Small African-American kid schoolchild pupil student going to school, standing at the school yard before classes lessons. New academic year semester. Welcome back to school!

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The mother of a Black student claims her daughter is a target of horrendous racial bullying at her middle school in Kentucky, and administrators aren't doing anything about it.

Parents from Muhlenberg and Henderson County Schools spoke out about their children suffering from "targeted bullying" during a Sunday (April 14) meetup, per WFIE.

Deanna Hall, who lives in Henderson County, alleges North Middle School kids hurl racial slurs and offensive insults at her daughter.

"She comes home crying almost every single day about what she goes through," Hall said. "She’s been told to kill herself; she’s been called a ‘fat b,’ she’s been called the N-word many times."

She continued, "I just have a feeling this is going to impact her whole life. She’s not going to be this happy, joyful student that we really need in this world."

When the mother told school administrators about the bullying, she claimed they planned on isolating their daughter. Hall also accused school officials of giving the family's address and phone number to her daughter's bully so the families could work it out themselves.

“My daughter and I, I’m a single mother, we do not feel safe in our home,” Hall told reporters.

Laquana Sutton said she was forced to pull her eighth-grade child from Muhlenberg South Middle School this year over the bullying.

“It was one kid, then it went to another kid, then it was groups of kids where they was calling her watermelon eater, n-word,” Sutton revealed, adding her daughter was months away from graduating. “I was really hurt, because she’s a great student. She’s got a 4.0 GPA, junior beta, everything.”

Several Black parents have called out school districts across Kentucky for failing to protect their children from racist harassment and bullying. Back in February, a mother spoke out about students calling her daughter racial slurs and making paper whips at a middle school in Daviess County.

Hopkins County African American Coalition President and human rights consultant Bill McReynolds confirmed they're investigating the schools for possible human rights violations.

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