Soldier Reunites With His Mom Just In Time For Thanksgiving

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A soldier recently gave his mom the best Thanksgiving surprise: an unexpected homecoming.

After not seeing each other for a year, Private Second Class Brandon Moore reunited with his family just in time for the holidays, per USA Today.

Moore said he kept in contact with his mother via video chat. Still, being apart from his family members took a toll on him.

"It just took me to a different place where it was more isolated than anything," he said.

He decided to make the most of his homecoming tour and surprise his mother as well as his younger brother and sister.

Moore snuck into his mother's workplace with flowers for the joyous reunion. As soon as she spotted her son, the mom began jumping up and down, running up to Moore for an embrace, per a video of the unexpected homecoming.

"You got me," she said while wrapped around her son.

Moore also dropped by his siblings' school, letting them know that the family would all be together for the holidays.

Watch the mother and son reunite here.

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